Descriptive Essay On Halloween Horror Nights

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Halloween Horror Nights 10/02 Night three!! YAY!! I was very excited to go back! I was excited to go see Giggles and Gore Inc. for some odd reason. I also excited to go back into TWD. The first haunted house of the night was TWD. That line is so long and evil! Why does it have to be so long?! I want it to be short so I can go into it a million times. I finally saw Hershel’s head on the side. I cried inside….HERSHEL!!  It is not a prop I am a fan of because too many feels! I was originally behind my dad in this house and then I quickly warmed up and thought I’d be fine. I was walking through this very detailed house and didn’t scared like the last time! WHAT IS THIS?! I saw the zombie Lizze feed on the train tracks, which distracted me …show more content…

Yes, I went into my first house alone. Was I scared? FUCK YEA! I went in alone because I wasn’t done with the night. I sucked up and said I was ready. I ran to the bathroom and then ran on line! Lines suck when you’re alone. Anyway, I was so nervous! I didn’t know what to do when I get fucking terrified and I’m alone! I can’t run to my dad, I can only run to myself. As I got closer to the house the tension built upon me. I thought what the fuck am I doing? Why do I do this stupid shit to myself? Then walking through the door I thought FUCK!! I sucked it up and took a deep breath. Once I got into the room I felt better and just went fucking crazy by acting myself and being weird. I saw the bestie aka that sock puppet thing. Apparently he scared me. I don’t remember, but my notes said he did. The babies waved again! I love those babies. The nurse got me! I was focused on the baby with the machete because I wanted him to scare me. Nurse got me instead. PLOT TWIST! The first teddy bear got me! The second teddy bear waved to me! I LOVE THE TEDDY BEARS! I saw the monkey at top and he has never gotten me before. I was like ugh I want you to scare me. Since I am stupid, I did the hand motions for come at me bro. He came at me and I scared like hell! I LOVED IT! To end the house, the ballerinas got me. The one that’s chocking timing is exact when I get into the room and I jump. Then I scream when I see the …show more content…

It was walk on. I wanted the last round to be scary as fuck and it was! YAY!! The nice baby got me! He’s supposed to be nice. BOTH TEDDY BEARS GOT ME! The nurse got me again because of the same previous reason. Yea…my notes sock puppet highly doubt it. Both ballerinas got me! The scarecrow on the side got me again and holy shit it got me good again! The doll at the end got me! I was just so happy everything was getting me at the last time! This I saved for last because holy shit! Dad told me to turn around and look. I am so confused on what I am looking for, but as soon as I turn around the fucking monkey is behind me! I’m like you bitch you got me really fucking good and I like that you took the opportunity to do it. I am proud of you and you scared the fuck out of me. It was the fucking best! As I said before, I LOVED