Descriptive Essay: Winter Along The Bayou

190 Words1 Pages
Winter along the Bayou Stark, flaky trunks reach skyward as their silvery limps try to escape the strangulation of brown, withered, once beautiful kudzu that during the summer and fall stretched from marshy bogs where groves of lotus, wild rice, trilliums, and fragrant anise grew to the top of sweet gum, mountain laurel, and beech trees. Climbing nearly to the top of tall elegant bald cypress, it formed mighty castles with dark green leafy vines that now tether them to the ground below. A thick haze hangs heavy over the bayou as the sun peeks through steel-gray skies above. Slight rays of light touch the top of but do not penetrate the sprawling woodland beneath the river bridge… the ruins of winter. Southward, I drive; wishing spring would