Descriptive Qualitative Research

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Descriptive qualitative research design has been applied to find out the research questions of this research. This research is collection analysis and interpretation of comprehensive narrative and visual (nonnumeric) data in order to gain insight into a phenomenon of interest. Due to the data that are collected should contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon studied, (Gay, Mills. E.G and Airasian P 2006;413). This research would find out the non-numeric data and to describe it. The researcher would describe about: (1) what types of students’ motivations in learning English as EFL on Double-Degree program at foreign language academy ( ABA YW- UMI Makassar), (2) how the motivation emerge in the classroom during the teaching and learning …show more content…

He participates in the situation observed. He observes the students teaching and learning process of the Double-Degree classroom program to write the information of the observation.
The researcher applies semi-structured interview, the interview is conducted after the teaching and learning activities. The researcher asks about what types of motivation the students have in learning English as EFL on Double-Degree program of Foreign Language Academy (ABA YW-UMI Makassar), how the motivation emerges in the classroom during the teaching and learning processes on Double-Degree program, and their perceptions of Double-Degree program on Double-Degree program and the impact on their achievement. Qualitative data analysis is a way by the researcher to summarize the collected data in dependable and in accurate manner. As Miles and Huberman (1984) the most serious and central difficulty in the use of qualitative data is that methods of data analysis are not well-formulated. (Nasution,1988) when starting an on going process, in fact, data analysis in qualitative research is an ongoing activity that occurs throughout the investigate process rather than after …show more content…

This theory is one of the most influential theories in motivational psychology. (Dornyei : 2003). According to the theory, developed by Deci and his associates, self-determining means to experience a sense of choice in initiating and regulating one’s own action, this is refers to as autonomy. The theory distinguishes between two kinds of motivations: intrinsic and extrinsic. The first refers to an individual motivation to perform a particular activity because of internal rewards such as joy, pleasure and satisfaction on curiosity. Whereas the extrinsic motivation the individual expects an extrinsic reward such as good grades or praise from others. The self-determination offers a very interesting look at motivation by setting a different agenda for language teachers, rather than focusing on how people (teachers in the classroom) can motivate others, the focus should be on ‘how people can create the conditions within which others can motivate themselves. The most developmentally advanced form of extrinsic motivation is integrated regulation, which involves choiceful behavior that is fault assimilated with the individual’s other values, needs and identity (e.g. people deciding to learn a language which is necessary for them to be able to pursue their hobbies or interest. Also reinforcement theory is a powerful concept for the