Descriptive Vacation

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Today was the day Mom, dad, my big sister and I were going on vacation.

ZOOOMMMMMMMM this is the sound of the plane as it lifted of the grounds of north carolina.

Today was my thirtieth birthday and we were heading to Los Angeles, California. It is October thirty first, Halloween. There we would go to see the ellen show, see the hollywood sign and visit the hollywood walk of fame. My thirtieth birthday was a big one I was turning into a teenager. We walked of into cali after two hours and twenty five minutes on the aircraft. The first thing I wanted to head to was the hotel. Hotel room tours are my favorite because I get to show it to all my youtube fans. I was also very curious to know what it would look like. It was now 5:20 in the dark morning. “Beep,Beep,”our uber just arrived to pick all of us from the airport.

As I looked out the car window I saw the beautiful city of Los Angeles. Palm trees were surrounding every square foot swaying in the breeze. When I looked up all I could see was a big mountain with the round moon peeking up above it. Tons of city buildings were covering every part in downtown Los Angeles.

“When will we get there I prompted?”

“As soon as we arrive,” sarcastically murmured my dad, Christopher.

When we finally arrive at the hotel after thirty minutes, we check in at the lobby were a pleasant dressed up middle age man is waiting for us.

“Hello, and welcome to the Los Angeles overview hotel of California.”

“How may I help you