
Deserving Monsters: Blurring The Lines Of Humanity

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Deserving Monsters: Blurring the lines of Humanity
Are humans the only ones allowed to have human rights? It sounds like a simple question. But where does this leave beings that are half human or beings that were once human. When werewolves and vampires are brought in to the mix the answer becomes much more complicated. Stereotypically, werewolves are humans who transform into deranged wolves who like to cause violence. Vampires on the other hand are humans who after being bitten turn into blood lusting creatures who hate the sun. These two creatures are far from what one would consider a regular human. Still I believe that vampires and werewolves deserve to have human rights. Human rights are liberties granted to humans from the day their …show more content…

Most people are scared of vampires and judge them harshly. Not all vampires however chose to become vampires by their own will. Many vampires are unfairly converted because they violated unnecessarily strict social and cultural rules. For example if a person does not receive the correct death rituals such as “closing of the eyes of the corpse, so that it is unable to find the way back to the land of the living” (Avdikos) may run the risk of turning into a vampire. This is simply not fair. A person may die alone in a place far away from humans who can bury them properly. A person may be dead in the depths of the ocean. There are too many factors to take account for. Not everyone has family members to bury them. These people will become vampires and there is nothing anyone can do about it. If no one can stop them from becoming vampires why should anyone be able to take their rights away? Vampires deserve to live just like anybody else. (MORE EXPAND CLEAR UP) Other uncontrollable ways that people become vampires include being an illegitimate child and/or having a birth defect. Also having a creature or candle pass over your corpse. Being cursed at or passed over by a cat as a corpse can also convert a person into a vampire. All of these factors that can turn you into a vampire have one thing in common, a person has no control over them. The most known way of becoming a vampire is of course being bitten by …show more content…

In fact real vampires “believe that they must either consume blood or feed on “subtle” energy in order to maintain their physical, mental, and spiritual health.” (Laycock). This is something that vampires should not be demonized for. Vampires have feelings and needs and they should be allowed to express them. Vampires should have equal rights and security like any other creature in this planet. Vampires have also been described as “dead people who, having died before their time” (Avdikos). Vampires should be allowed to live if they so please so. They deserve to live and live with the liberties they had before they died. (add more) Vampires are also demonized for being and behaving differently than humans. They did not choose to have an appetite for blood that is just the way they are. While vampires can be a threat they should not have their rights taken away for being different. It should also be noted that some real vampires claims that they did not choose their vampirism “rather that it exists independent of socially constructed

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