Vampires And Their Influence On Social Media

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Vampires have appeared in so many novels, books, movies and TV shows. In recent years, the vampire trend has set off and has attracted a bigger audience.

They were not always called as vampires because there were always other names, depending upon the folklore. However, that term grew into fame during the early 18th century. During that period, the superstition of vampires rapidly rose and many stories came about.( Silver & Ursini pp. 22-23) Vampires are mythical creatures of the night. They survive by drinking blood from other human beings. They have been a part of the folklore of many countries and stories of them have been passed down through generations. Because of these stories, the exact appearances of vampires are not clear. In the …show more content…

They also could not enter houses which had owners if they were not invited in. Once invited inside, they could enter in and out whenever they pleased. It was also said that they could not cross over running water, like bridges or small bodies of water.(Burkhardt, p.221) They were also said to be more active during the night, because they could not handle the sun well. In the olden stories, they were still able to go out during day time but because of the more modern stories, they are believed to not be able to go out in sunlight as it would cause them to burn and …show more content…

People usually follow the trends that they see on social media. Because of this influence, the social media is very powerful. The love and fear of vampires was not as strong as it always was, it was only because of the recent years that the trend started. The social media released more books and shows on vampires which showcased their alluring qualities and this has helped set off the vampire trend.

History of Vampires

Vampires were already around in the 18th century. Stories about them had already been passed down through generations. There are some particular stories which helped the vampire fad rose to fame and in between those periods of time, more stories and shows about vampires were created.

In 1816, there were a group of friends who were on holiday and decided to tell ghost stories. From this story telling competition came “The Vampyre” which was made by John William Pollidori.

During 1845-1847, James Malcolm Rymer published Varney the Vampire. His stories features characteristics of vampires that are still being borrowed by other authors and movies today. Some of these characteristics are the fangs which leaves two puncture wounds, superhuman strength and hypnotic powers. Perhaps the most influential being that Varney was a sympathetic vampire. He hated his own nature