Essay On Women In The Storm, Desiree's Baby By Kate Chopin

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Over the past few years there has been a major uprising in feminist marches and rallies of the sort calling for equal rights for women, and it is understandable as to why with many issues that have come to light recently; however, these women do not seem to see how much women have gained in the past one-hundred years. We are able to vote, work, and walk the street without our husband’s permission. We have advanced so much as a society when it comes to equal rights that it seems insane to us when we learn one-hundred years ago women were getting beat up in the streets for wanting to vote. Kate Chopin illustrates beautifully how life was for women of the household during the late 1860’s in her stories “The Storm”, “Desiree’s Baby”, and throughout …show more content…

Well, "in 1960, there were more households with three or more persons that there were with one or two; today, there are more with one or two persons than with three or more." (Glick) This simply means that the family household is not focusing on having children as much as they were one hundred years prior. During this time women were also allowed to divorce their spouse if they saw fit, which had not been accepted at all even 50 years prior to the 1960's. Adults living alone was also a phenomenon that occurred more frequently during the time of 1960 and 1983. "Throughout the period, however, the number of women living alone was far higher than the number of comparable men." (Glick) Just forty years prior to 1960 women would have been locked up for beaten for suggesting they wanted to live alone, and they definitely would have been denied housing. Women living alone is a thing we as a society view as normal now and don't think twice about. Women having children and never being married was also a phenomenon that occurred between 1970 and 1983. Yet another thing that would have been unheard of a century prior, women were only to have kids when married and were definitely not supposed to practice intercourse out of wedlock. This again is something we have grown accustomed to. An article from "a July 1943 issue of Transportation magazine, an article written for male supervisors of women who were flooding into the workplace during World