Essay Comparing Macbeth 'And My Last Duchess'

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In the poem and stories of Macbeth, Wuthering Heights, and my last Duchess the women and men caused destructive love because they wanted control. In Macbeth, lady macbeth talks macbeth into things he doesn 't want to do. Also in Wuthering Heights Catherine doesn 't marry heathcliff because he doesn 't have money. In My Last Duchess he has his wife killed because she is paying other men attention. In Macbeth, lady Macbeth talks her husband Macbeth into things he doesn 't want to do. Lady Macbeth wants Duncan, the king of scotland killed so Macbeth will be king but her husband Macbeth doesn 't want to do it, so she manipulates him into doing it “and live a coward in thine own esteem” (Macbeth 1.7.43). When she doesn 't get her way she insults him and says he 's not a man “when you durst do it” she says “ then you were a man” (Macbeth 1.7.49). Macbeth kills Duncan and instantly regrets it. When Macbeth is confronted by his wife about killing Duncan he doesn 't want to …show more content…

He is a symbol of destructive love because he ended his marriage and somebody 's life over jealousy “ sir twas not her husband 's presence only, called that spot of joy into the duchess cheek” (13-15). He has his wife killed because she is paying other men attention. His wife could have started it but the husband wanted control and respect and he couldn 't get it so he decided to kill her. The last Duchess was killed by her husband because she was flirting with other men and her husband didn 't like it “thats my last duchess painted on the wall, looking as if she were alive” (1-2). In this poem destructive love was showed by explaining why the wife was killed. Also destructive love was showed by how the husband is already looking for another Duchess and why he killed her. In this poem destructive love was caused by the husband and wife, if they would have tried to work it she wouldnt have been

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