
Deterioration In Lord Of The Flies

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LOF TOPIC SENTENCE: Golding presents change within the boys as fear of the unknown is introduced preventing them from thinking logically. In Chapter 2, Ralph states, “A snake-thing. Ever so big. He saw it”(Golding 35) as the boys come up with illogical ideas while fear of the beast develops. In Golding’s novel, there are various recurring themes throughout the novel and the concept of Fear of the Unknown leads to progressively worse outcomes. Golding utilizes the fear on the Island to allow the reader to comprehend how the boys' ability to think logically deteriorates throughout the novel. Furthermore, the introduction of the fear of the beast is forcing the boys to forget what it is like living in civil society and also is causing the boys …show more content…

During the experiment at Stanford University Zimbardo remarks, “It's a fear there can be a notion that their life is totally controlled by us.”(Zimbardo) as the experiment is shutting down. Zimbardo is leading an experiment to determine what will result to people when under the conditions of being put inside a cell, revealing if the evil inside of humans is displayed as the fear of the unknown is continuously influencing an individual. Zimbardo’s experiment accurately depicts the effects resulting from fear of the unknown and the influence it has on mankind. As Zimbardo is displaying in his experiment, humans are losing their sanity, revealing emotions, and sharing thoughts they have built inside of them. While under the influence of fear, illogical thinking comes out displaying an unfamiliar side of someone. An individual who was participating the experiment was stating, “I began to feel that is was losing my identity until finally, I wasn’t Clay.”(Zimbardo) displaying the effects of fear, which Zimbardo was incorporating into his experiment.Overall, Zimbardo’s experiment is accurately revealing the illogical side of the mind inside of individuals, showing when one is under the event of fear of the unknown the ability to make logical decisions

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