Determining The Behavior Of Children Essay

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There was an opinion poll ; that was given and from that poll, it shows that over 60% of of people believe that today children’s behavior has gotten worse over the years. When we take a reflective and honest look at the past as well as the current history of children, the studies have shown that poor behavior, patients, as well as respect has decreased .

We as parent have the ability to determine the behavior of our children. If a parent would just take the time with them, and be consistent in the long run a child would benefit from that. When a parent says “no”, it must mean “no” and do follow through with it. Don’t give in to the child; be persistent with a punishment if you feel they need one. When telling …show more content…

Pushing a child to do better in school and stay in school is the best thing a parent could do. Make sure to always praise your child and let them know that no matter what, don’t give up. It is hard for children to focus on school today because, there is so much more in school that takes their attention away from what’s important. They have the stress of fitting in, popularity, staying in the right group, not getting picked on. The list is endless.

Has children’s behavior gotten worse over the years? My stand in the question is YES; child behavior has gotten worse over the years. Many devices they have today have caused a lot of bad behavior. Those devices would include T.V., video games, cell phones, electronic devices of all types. On a daily bases you would see a child acting out in a manner that was not appropriate.
Children today take everything for granted. They have to have the latest electronic device, expensive clothes, coolest friends, and so on. Teaching a child the importance of life and to have structure is what they need to be taught. Life is not about material things that one has but, what you do have and to be thankful for it. Children today are just spoiled beyond belief. Parents