Diabetes Informative Essay

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Most people think that diabetes isn’t a very serious disease, but imagine a world where everyone is walking around like zombies because they feel dizzy or they have vision problems so they don’t know where they are going. Or, imagine yourself being a diabetic, not taking your insulin because there isn’t enough for everyone in the world. People can’t hold a conversation with each other because all they can think about is how much pain they are going through. But,luckily this isn’t the world the people live in today. There are enough insulin for everyone with diabetes. There are ways to cope with having diabetes. This research paper will inform the audience what diabetes is, how it affects the body, and how it can be solved.
To start this …show more content…

by Egyptian physician Hesy-Ra when he mentioned frequent urination as a symptom of a mystery disease that also caused emaciation. Also around the time ancient healers noted that ants were attracted to the urine of the people who had the disease. In 150 AD Greek physician Arateus described diabetes as “ the melting down of flesh and limbs into urine.” From then on, physicians would learn more about the disease we know today as diabetes (Mandal “History of Diabetes”). So many people have diabetes, but it takes the lives of the people too. Through prevalence, in 2012 29.1 million Americans, or 9.3% had diabetes. Around 1.25 million American adults and children had Type 1 diabetes. The percentage of adults 65 and older is at 25.9%. Millions of people get diagnosed of diabetes per year. Here is a breakdown of what percentage of what ethnicity gets diagnosed with diabetes. The groups are non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, American Indians/Alaskan Natives, Asian Americans, and Hispanics. About 7.6% of non-Hispanic whites have diabetes. 13.2% of non-Hispanic blacks have diabetes. For American Indians/Alaskan Native, 15.9% of them have diabetes. Here is a breakdown among Asian Americans: 4.4% for Chinese, 11.3% for Filipinos, 13.0 for Asian Indians, and 8.8% for other Asian Americans. This is the breakdown for Hispanics that have diabetes: 8.5% for Central and South Americans,9.3% for Cubans, 13.9% for Mexican …show more content…

More people should be aware of what this disease, and be able to understand it fully. The symptoms of diabetes can be subtle that they aren't even noticed. There are two types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes is usually found in kids and teenagers. It’s also known as insulin dependent diabetes. It's not as common as Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is usually found in adults. Its also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes. Some people might think that diabetes is just now being found, but word about diabetes dates all the way back to 1552 BC. Has anyone ever wondered how many people have diabetes? Well 29.1 million people or 9.3% of the population actually has diabetes. So many people have diabetes that some might not have even known they had it. Diabetes has many affects on the diabetic as an individual. It has mental, physical, and emotional effects. In the beginning when they are first diagnosed a person with diabetes just needs support going through this. They need to always know what their blood sugar is at so that they never have to know or feel what it's like when they don't take their insulin. Insulin is basically the only way to treat diabetes. The word treat is used because there is not a cure for diabetes. Just support anyone