Diagnostic Prompt: To Kill A Mockingbird By Nathanael Lee

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TKAM Diagnostic Prompt
Nathanael Koh

Appearance clouds our mind making us think in our opinions not the facts. These three sources will show how appearance divert our thinking and make us ignore reality.

Atticus said “This is a case of simple black and white” (Lee 271). It seems that in To Kill a Mockingbird the evidence doesn’t seem to be a big factor of this case, which is ironical to a sound court system that is based on evidence. Atticus quote was a hidden meaning tells the judge that the answer lies within picking a race, black or white. I think it is becoming a culture in Maycomb and in The Nation where mostly everyone thinks racist, not just the jury. Another way to think about it is that the jury are forced to do so because they didn’t want the same trouble as Atticus had when he try to help Tom. This is a snowball effect, if white side with white, the blacks have to side with blacks and there will be more racial tension until others have to choose a side and again it tells us that the case has nothing to do with the case it is a race case. …show more content…

The government will find a way to escape just like in To Kill a Mockingbird, the jury convicted an innocent man but in the end they escape the sin of killing Tom Robinson. This jury and the novel’s jury has the same way of thinking, they think that for black people they are guilty until proven innocence but shouldn’t it be the other way around. Their mindset rule out the chance of being innocence and think that appearance is greater than