Dialectical Journal For 1984 By George Orwell

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English 10 Honors-1 May 16, 2023 (End of period) “Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious” (70 Orwell) These words were written out of significant thought on Winston's part. Winston was beginning to learn why the proles and many others weren’t rebelling, it is simply because they were so brainwashed. That there was an imaginative brick wall in their cognitive thought. From stopping them to even getting to the word rebel. And the proles could never rebel, due to their insignificance with the rules inside the walls. The unknown thoughts and the locked-up free thought. Impacted their freedom and their lives. In usual dystopian books. We see much government control. How do they …show more content…

Their brain, manipulate and change their brain paths. To create a path of being a follower of whatever dystopian government is in control. They all have different ways to rule over their society. But in Orwells 1984 and other notable dystopian works, it is with a great deal of importance, that your thought and individualism have the most significant impact on humanity in society The society of 1984 had a plan. A plan to take your freedom. Freedom of speech, identity, and thoughts. They wanted as much power over Oceania as they could. One of their many devious techniques is Newspeak. “Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought”(50) It is a manipulation tactic that the party members came up with. Newspeak is “destroying words-scores of them, hundreds of them, every day.”(51). The smaller and narrower your dictionary is. The more likely you will be a follower and won’t rebel..” The whole aim of Newspeak [was] To narrow the range of thought”( Orwell 55) Big Brother or the party thought if the range of thought was slimmed down. Newspeak was the tactic to complete his goal. He slowly was erasing and replacing English. To distract the