Examples Of Dystopian Literature

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There has been a changing trend in American young adult literature lately. In the late of 1990s, the genre of non-human adventurous story like Harry Potter, Lord of the Ring, or the Hobbit series became a new trend in American popular literature. Other genre was introduced about fewer than ten years after the Harry Potter trend. It was Twilight trend, a young adult romantic novel which hypnotized American young adult readers due to the formula of the story. This trend brought back common woman as the central character with romance formula involving adorable immortal creature, a vampire. Nowadays, what is considered as the newest trend of young adult literature is a novel that illustrates a revenge of a group of youngster against an authoritarian order set in post-apocalyptic future society. This is called as dystopian trend. The most interesting point is that although dystopian trend is seen as part of popular culture with all of its stereotypical assumptions as mass culture but the themes mostly speak about serious matters, for instance: the quest of freedom, the spirit of humanism, the hope of better government, the futuristic society, or even the survival life and wilderness of post-apocalyptic nature.
In the world of literature, dystopian literature is often referred to George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) and Evgenii Zamiatin’s We, and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) (D. Gordin, et al, 2010: 1). These novels are legitimately considered as high literature