
Diamond Mining Arguments

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Diamond Mining

These passages present a discussion about arguments concerning whether or not diamond mining has a negative impact on the environment. This is an important debate because of the potential impact it could have on both the economy and environment of the surrounding area. The two positions argue whether or not diamond mines cause harm to the area in which they operate. Both viewpoints have valid claims warranting consideration
For example, the evidence suggests that the environment surrounding a diamond mine is polluted by the mining process. In contrast, opposing evidence suggests diamond mining actually improves the surrounding area. While both sides of the issue have valid points, the viewpoint that diamond mining is harmful to the environment is the best-supported position, the position supported by the preponderance of the evidence cited in the passages. …show more content…

For example, in Canada's Northwest Territories, twenty lakes have been drained, causing massive changes to the habitat of many native species of marine animals. In addition, caribou native to the region have been observed migrating away from this area, an area that has been drastically impacted by diamond mining. Consequently, these animals may become endangered due to the encroachment of diamond mines on their natural habitat. The second relevant point to make in support of the claim that diamond mining is harmful to the environment is that soil and water are polluted. To illustrate, any water used to wash diamonds in the diamond mining process may become polluted with soil and other contaminants. Additionally, mining equipment that uses fossil fuels to run could leak them into the ground. This can effect soil and water, making it unfit for wildlife. In short the water and soil surrounding the diamond mine can become hazardous to

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