Dianne Bystrom's Essay: The Changing Landscape For Women In Politics

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For some people, women and politics do not mix. This may have been evident in the 2016 election. However, this event has had a tremendous influence on many women and their decision to get more involved with politics. More and more women are beginning to take action, and many more women are seeing their efforts pay off. As women are becoming more involved with politics, gender stereotypes are beginning to break such as gendered division of labor, and more men are starting to become more involved with child care which allows women to pursue their own careers and aspirations, specifically in politics. This paper will first provide a summary of an article that supports the changing landscape for women regarding politics. Then, the article will be compared to a keyword that is still relevant today, and the article will be compared to millennial men how they are also challenging gender norms. Courtney Clarke had been dissatisfied with the current state of politics, so she decided to run for the city council in Waukee, and she beat out Brian Harrison. Many more women in Iowa, as well as nationwide, are starting to become more involved with politics. Dianne Bystrom understands their feelings and notes how …show more content…

More women are getting involved with politics because they feel it is right, and they believe that they can make a difference through their actions (Ta, “More Iowa women are running in - and winning - local elections”). More men want to be involved with their children during their childhood, and more women want a career. Men and women are both taking steps to break down the gendered division of labor so that it is acceptable for men to stay at home and for women to have a day job. The women who are becoming actively involved with politics may be out all day, but when they return home, they have a supportive family waiting for

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