Bernie Sanders Research Paper

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Bernard 'Bernie' Sanders was born on September 8th, 1941 in Brooklyn, NY. Bernie is a Jewish man who grew up in Burlington, VT. He attended, Brooklyn College BS, University of Chicago, in 1964. He has a TON of political experience, including his time as Senator in the United States Senate from 2006 to the present time. He wants to improve the United States, and this is how he’s going to do it.

Bernie Sanders wants to make College Tuition Free and Debt Free. As President, Bernie Sanders will fight to make sure that every American who studies hard in school can go to college regardless of how much money their parents make and without going deeply into debt. It is counter-productive to our country, in such a highly competitive global economy, …show more content…

Despite major advances in civil and political rights, our country still has a long way to go in addressing the issue of gender inequality. Many of the achievements that have been made for women’s rights in the 20th century have been under attack by the Republican Party — denying women control over their own bodies, preventing access to vital medical and social services, and blocking equal pay for equal work. “When it comes to the rights of women, we cannot go backwards. We have got to go forward.” As president Senator Bernie Sanders will; fight for pay equality for women, expand and protect the reproductive rights of women, only nominate supreme court justices who support ROE V. WADE and the productive rights of women, make quality childcare and Pre-K available to all Americans, increase the minimum wage to $15 and hour by 2020, raise the tipped minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2023, Provide at least 12 weeks of paid family leave, 2 weeks of paid vacation, and one week of paid sick days to American workers, expand the WIC program for pregnant mothers and infants, make healthcare a right, and expand social security. “The right-wing in this country is waging a war against women and by working together, we will ensure that is a war they are going to lose.” Bernie Sanders’ plan to fight for women’s rights and much more will have an amazing impact on The United States of America as a whole, and will make us more united than we ever have