Dichotomous Key Lessons

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The first teaching lesson for a semester seems to be the most nerve wrecking experience, for me. This semester in Uteach 1202, Stephen Kolb and I, Janecia Hagood taught Dr. Won 7th grade Life science class at Blackmon Road Middle School. We had a great time teaching the students about the dichotomous key. Overall, some lesson intentions were met, some aspects of the lesson were better than others, and we got feedback for improvements.
The lesson intent for our lesson had a great purpose. The objectives for our lesson were students will be able to explain what a dichotomous key is, use a dichotomous key to classify organisms, and compare and contrast organisms based off characteristics and visual aspects of different organisms. My partner and I enegaged the students with what is in a box exercise, and how they would organize them. For exploration, students explored different critters and grouped the critters who were closely related. During explanation, students disccus how they group their critters and the topic of dicotomous key came up by comparing and contrasting critters. The students started off well with explanation, but eventually gave up, maybe because of confusion with comparing and conrasting critters, or wording of the question. In elaboration the students used the dicotomous key to name the different critters, The evaluation …show more content…

Its always room for improvement. The feedback were similar between the Instructor, Mr.Jones and the Mentor, Dr. Won. However, giving clear instrusions was the only difference. I feel that I could have gave better instructions, but they were good. Another feedback I received was to slow down, and wait a more for responses, which I agree on. Another feedback was gathering students attention effectively; something I know but am scared to implement in such a well behaved class. The feedback I feel will help me improve my teaching to become a better teacher, to effectively