
Dick Costolo's Importance Of Liberal Arts

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In the article “Former Twitter CEO talks importance of liberal arts” by Becca Solberg she starts of mentioning how former Twitter CEO, Dick Costolo, spoke about how he has found value in his liberal arts degree throughout his career. With a liberal arts degree typically being looked at as impractical, Costolo aimed to highlight and support the merits of that degree during his lecture. He supports this by stating that his liberal arts and science degree (LAS) has actually “fueled his leadership skills and broadened his understanding of the world”. A LAS degree is actually vital in developing the very best leaders, they are allowed a creative lens, develop habits of the mind and literal thinking. Costolo goes onto stating what he believes great leaders posses and that is five specific qualities: ability to make decisions rapidly and adapt to dynamic environments, creatively synthesize information and provide context for decisions, they inspire and build trust, they are never in reaction, they are kind without being weak and they are confident without being “jerks”, education is key in the development of these attributes. A LAS education can also assist in the development of creative synthesis, disciplines thinking and awareness beyond oneself. This allows a student to think more …show more content…

I believe that it has made me more of a well-rounded person, I was given the chance to take classes that were not related to my major and learned how to incorporate what I learned in those electives in every-day life. A LAS degree really challenges us to think critically and to think out side of the box because we see so many different sides of the coin when faced in a situation. My goals in my undergraduate career were not so narrow once I dove into the liberal arts

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