Diction And Metaphors In Futility By Wilfred Owen

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Wilfred Owen, a war poet uses poetic techniques such as expressive negative diction and metaphors to explore the reality of war in his works. War associates with loss and negativity. The type of diction Owen uses in his poems aren’t sugarcoated, but convey the sorrow and pity of a soldier’s life in war. Metaphors provide depth to a poem and connect the meaning of a piece to the readers’ simple everyday life. The poem ‘Futility’ exposes a soldier trying to wake his comrade after being frozen to death, only to lose his faith in God and life’s purpose upon realisation. The metaphor of this poem is a field. The first stanza mentions how the sun’s (God’s) “…touch awoke him once, at home, whispering of fields unsown.” This field is mentioned again