Some speeches really make a difference to Americans. Both Bill Clinton and Robert F. Kennedy have speeches that send powerful messages to their audiences. The speech, “A Eulogy For Martin Luther King, Jr.” by Robert F. Kennedy, was a news breaking event and eulogy for the death of Martin Luther King, given to African Americans and all Americans. Bill Clinton’s “Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Address” was given as a memorial speech to the families of the Oklahoma bombing victims and to all Americans. Both were somber and mournful in tone. Both speakers used ethos, logos and pathos to share their emotions about how America should mourn these tragic events, but recover and move forward in their fight for justice. Clinton’s message focuses on healing from, and preventing terrorist attacks on Americans, while Kennedy’s speech guides America away from racial polarization. …show more content…
As he stated, “Hillary and I also come as parents, as husband and wife, as people who were your neighbors for some of the best years of our lives.” His reference to being a parental figure makes the audience feel that he is more trustworthy. Kennedy uses ethos by talking about how he can relate to the feeling because one of his family members got killed. He mentions “I can only say that i feel in my own heart the same kind of feeling. I had a member of my family killed.” Kennedy shows credibility because he has felt the same feelings that the audience may have felt when they heard the news about King’s assassination. Clinton uses logos by reading a section of a letter he received from a young widow and wife of three. Clinton uses a part of the lady’s letter to say “The anger you feel is valid, but you must not allow yourselves to be consumed by it.” Clinton reassures the audience that it is alright to feel angry but we must move on and heal if we want to move forward as a