Didacticism In College

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In America, there has seemed to be a teaching of how to achieve the “American Dream” or that is what everyone should all strive for. Often in schools, teachers attempt to lead students to college as if it was the only option in life to be “successful”. As people go through life asking their self if college was really worth it, they soon find the answer depending on how successful they were. After watching my sister, who is a freshman in college, I have come to the conclusion that college is not worth the stress, the strife, or the worry. One of the main underlying issues about attending college is the financial struggle that goes along with college. Statistics done by researchers of Ohio State University found that “70 percent of American …show more content…

Some may not realize that there are other options that might work out better for them besides college. Typically college is a pretty set way of making a decent salary, but there is still a “one in seven chance of out-earning the median college student” (JP). Also, there are some great successes that did not receive a degree such as these autodidacts, Bill Gates and Leonardo de Vinci. These autodidacts were self-made through auto-didacticism. Auto-didacticism allows the opportunity for people to become more financially independent from employers (Olsen). Lately this seems to be pretty smart to potentially ensure job security is to “learn a lot, and learn for cheap” because the rates for secondary schooling are increasing and so is debt (Olsen). As I, an individual making plans to further myself, realizes the constant changes that could possible affect me. For example my sister had TOPS that assisted with paying for college tuition, but today there is no guarantee that that will be an option for me by the time I graduate. The idea of having a back up plan in case college does not work out for me, which is a possibility for several people, could be a great way for me to still find