Cultural Diversity: A Comparative Analysis

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In the scope of culture management, where the notion of “cultural diversity” is coined, we speak of 'politics of recognition ' and 'identity politics ', which, basically, recognizes the culturally differentiated populations within society, placing them in the bulge of the national narrative starting from the guarantee of social rights. Within economy, we address the redistribution and equality policies that seek political mechanisms for reducing social inequality based on redistribution of income. Both aspects, however, must always be analyzed together. The question of Cultural Diversity/ Difference should be discussed under the prism of Social Justice and in the perspective of coloniality. The "recognition of difference" becomes a major …show more content…

According to the author, the change from the redistribution to a cultural politics of recognition is part of a historical transformation of larger scale associated with the globalization and the neo-liberalism. In Fraser 's view (2007), this subordination of one policy relative to another masks the fundamentalism of free market advocated by neo-liberal economy, which can, nevertheless, perpetuate the social injustice, avoiding a basic redistributive policy and - we add - the very radical transformation of the State. In such a way, the demand for cultural recognition does not have to outweigh the demand for social equality and vice versa: only from the interrelation between both demands - economic and cultural - social injustices specifically related to the marginalized and culturally differentiated groups can be …show more content…

It is necessary to prevent, overall, that, in this Third Space, in this contact zone, that also consists in contemporary identity negotiations, the icon of culture overlaps the struggles for social justice and social equality, and the poverty perpetuates as a cultural datum in an essentialist notion, normalizing the social condition of these peoples. Under this context, the traditional practices cannot be seen as elements fixed in time, unresponsive to transformation, which would justify the perpetuation of the same processes of social marginalization. For this, together with the struggles for socio-cultural recognition, the demand for a deeper basic redistributive policy should be articulate in the country. The question of cultural diversity/ difference today must be debated under the prism of social justice in the perspective and from the inside of the decolonial paradigm, on the basis of the cultural translation and hybridism that inhabit the today 's social processes, in an articulated way toward a critical discursive dimension in relation to the various forms of coloniality of

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