Difference Between Ewells And Cunninghams

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In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee , The Ewells and the Cunninghams are quite different. The greatest difference between the two families is their hygiene. The Ewells are filthy. Burris Ewell´s ¨Neck was dark grey, the backs of his hands were rusty, and his fingernails were black deep into the quick¨ (27). The cunninghams are clean. Walter Cunningham had ¨on a clean shirt and neatly mended overalls¨ (19). Unlike the Cunninghams, the Ewells have little to no respect for anyone. Burris Ewell once said ¨you try and make me, missus¨ (27), little to no respect. Walter Cunningham was polite and said ¨Nome thanks ma'am.¨ (19) Another difference between them is their fatherś occupations. The Ewell´s father ¨hunt(s) and trap(s) out of season (31).