In comic books, many people would say that the big fight between the hero and villain is the best part of the comic. It’s exciting, and full of action and suspense. And in the end, the hero always wins, the villain is defeated, and everything is fine. But what if you were one of those people in that building that exploded and crashed to the ground. Would it still be exciting then? Probably not, considering that you would likely either be dead or very severely injured. Just one battle with a superhero could kill thousands of people and destroy whole cities. We think that the terrorist attacks we have now are horrible. Imagine if we had something worse, something like this, happening every week. Eventually, that could go from every week to every day. Would our world and society be able to handle all the constant death and destruction? The answer is no, we would not be able to handle it. In books and movies, the heroes are good and the villains are bad and that’s it. But in real life, neither side is all one or the other. Anyone with superpowers, both heroes and villains, could end up taking over the world. With that kind of power, they could easily overpower a town. Then they’ll take over a city, then a state or a …show more content…
Even without the danger and destruction, on top of everything else, they could still take away from our society by taking away jobs. Once they saw how much they would actually be taking away from our society, people would want them to just go away, and take all of the death that follows in their footsteps with them. People might think that having superheroes in our lives would change them for the better, that the superheroes would save us and stop crime and fight bad guys. But even if they tried to save the world, in the end they would be destroying it instead. In reality, they will just change our lives and society for the