Compare And Contrast Imperialism And Colonialism

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INTRODUCTION. SUBJECT.> COLONIALISM THOUGH IT’S METHOD ARE EXTREME, AIDS IN THE SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF A NATION THAN IMPERIALISM. NAME.> ONUKWULI FERNANDEZ KOSI. A156110TASB11 COURSE..> POLITICAL SCIENCE. LECTURER.> IVAR HENDLA. Defenders of modern imperialism and colonialism, long pleaded their case in terms of the white man’s burden, they reasoned that it was the obligation of advanced nation to help the people of backward nations.(Perkin, Palmer. 2007). Imperialism has a wide range of meaning as different people have varying levels of understanding, some definitions of imperialism include “ imperialism is a policy which aims at creating, organizing and maintaining an empire (which is a state of vast size …show more content…

The colonized countries were mostly Africans because of the way they lived and behave, so the colonizers were using the excuse of them being not civilized and religious. But the colonial master 's aim was to exploit the colony economy and move them to their country making the colony depend on them. Colonialism has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, The disadvantages of colonialism is far more than its advantages, the main advantage is the civilization while the disadvantage is the economic dependent. But taking some advantages before its …show more content…

European countries were the chief imperializing countries; there were only a small handful of non-European countries that became involved in Imperialism (USA and Japan) not all European countries became involved in imperializing, the biggest European imperializing countries were: Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Part of the world that were imperialized were principally Africa, Southeast Asia, and