
Examples Of An Event That Led To World War 1

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There Were A Lot Of Events That Took Place That Led To World War 1. World War 1 Impacted The U.S A Lot For Example The Allies Problem Made It Harder To Go To War With A Country Because If You Wanted To Go To War With One Country Then Their Allies Would Protect Them. Also The U.S Had Wanted To Stay Out Of Problems And Foreign Entanglements But They Ended Up Going To War And Getting Involved In Others Problems In The End. For Example With The Allies Problem Austria-Hungary Had Threatened To Go To War With Serbia. So Russia Went To Protect Serbia Then Germany Moved To Help Austria -Hungary And Then France Moves To Help Russia Then Austria-Hungary Declares War On Serbia So Russia Prepares For War Then Germany Declares War On Russia And …show more content…

The Labor Problem. The U.S Were Lowering Wages During The War To Maximize Businesses Potential To Make Weapons And Thrive During Wartime. So People Started Making Strikes Which Ended In A Shutdown Which Paralyzed The City And Ended In Product Shortages And General Distrust And Fear Of Labor Unions. Another Event That Led To World War One Was The Imperialism. Imperialism Was When A Stronger Country overtook Weaker Countries. This Was A Event That Impacted The U.S Because They Wanted To Be A Leading Country. All Countries Want To Be The Leader So Now Countries Were Trying To Overtake Other Countries And Become Stronger. Another Thing That Led To World War 1 Was The Serbia And Austria Hungary Situation. Serbia Wanted To Have Some Of Austria-Hungary’s Territory So They Could Get Together All The People With The Same Belief And They Refused So Serbia Sent Someone To Kill Ferdinand And His Wife. This Led To A Lot Of Problems. It Ended In A War Between The 2 …show more content…

The Great Migration Was When Over 6 Million African Americans Moved North, Midwest, And West To Get Away From All The Racial Problems They Were Facing Like Lynching.Some Moved To Take Advantage Of Work. When They Got There They Dealt With Poor Working Conditions And Living Space As Well As Racism And Prejudice. But African Americans Began Building Up A Life For Themselves.This Affected The U.S Because That Meant There Would Be A Larger Population Of African Americans In Some Places. Also Because Racism Had Been A Problem In The U.S. Isolationism Affected The U.S Because The U.S Wanted To Stay Out Of Problems But They Had Allies That They Needed To Support Like Europe But The U.S’s People Wanted To Stay Outta War And Didn't Think Europe Was Worthy Of Our Support. So This Could Be Negative For The U.S Because Some Of Their Allies Could Not Wanna Be Allies With Them Anymore Because They Aren't Helping Them With Their Problems And Supporting Them Like They Should Be.But This Is Also Beneficial For The U.S Because They Will Not Have As Many Problems And Won't Need To Go To War Unless It's For Their

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