Murder And Heroism

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Obvious Line between Murder and Heroism
Wars are the most difficult, terrible and devastating experience in human history. Although various negative effects of wars have been observed throughout the ages, there are still several people who consider wars as something grand and heroic. But I consider that wars are murder instead of heroism. Wars cause physical, psychological destruction on humans and racial, religious, sectarian hatred among societies.
Physical destruction on humans is, doubtless, the most known and feared effect of wars. İncreased world population, combined with huge armies and modern killing machines (explosives, machine guns, chemical weapons, etc.) have made …show more content…

War has been proven to be a deeply scarring experience for many soldiers. Of course, nothing can prepare a person for warfare, seeing close friends die and narrowly escape death themselves. For instance, the First World War is associated with the syndrome called shell shock. This was originally believed to have a physical origin, caused by the impact of loud shelling. However, it became clear that soldiers who had never been exposed to shells were developing the same symptoms. Shell shock was defined as a neurosis, and there was little sympathy for shell-shocked soldiers. Due to shell shock, some soldiers, refused to fight and were shot for cowardice, while others suffered the effects of shell shock for many years afterwards. In the First World War, 306 British soldiers were executed for cowardice. There are different diagnoses try to get under control the psychological impact of wars. The most recent war syndromes include Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), used after 1980 to explain the effect of war on soldiers and Gulf War syndrome, experienced mainly by American and British soldiers who fought in the 1991 Gulf War. As can be understood from the examples, these kind of disorders could be as serious as physical diseases, but unfortunately soldiers suffering from these diseases were not taken seriously by their great …show more content…

That’s why, I think people whoever attempts to start a war is the head of murder. Nazi Germany killed millions of innocent people. We now call that murder. It was no more murder than war is, given that their killing was codified by law. There is no such a thing as good and just war. Being in the winner side can make happy some people. But İf thousands of people die, there is no winner. Being a martyr can be a good enough consolation for some people but in my opinion, the life of living things should come before everything. Heroism or martyrdom is a lie, told by people who wants to justify wars. The line between murder and heroism is not a thin line. The line is very