How Was World War 1 Civilized

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Alex Arevalo Was World War 1 Civilized?
Warning: Due to the nature of this essay, graphic content is ahead. World War 1 Was supposed to be a civilized battle, but was it really civilized? With advancments in technology and medical equipment, it was supposed to be the most advanced war, and people thought it would be more civilized, killing people quickly, instead of brutally torturing them with weapons until death (not that killing people is civilized). The weapons, while advanced, did NOT kill people quickly, some people even using shovels, clubs, and even serrated knives, causing wounds harder to heal than normal. The medics used very uncivilized tactics such as amputation, leeches, or unnecissary blood withdrawl causing death in the patient. The environment was another awful thing in the war: Muddy trenches filled with corpses and men missing limbs screaming for help. There were also hot deserts, cold snowy tundras, forests, and towns. World War 1 was supposed to end everything. It ended nothing.

Advancments in technology during the war was incredible. It was a turning point for technology. World war 1 occured from 1914-1918. During …show more content…

It was brutal, horrifying, and digusting. World War One started because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, after that, the nations broke loose. The ultimate question is, was the war a civilized war? No it was not, not by any means. You cannot call a war with bombings, cemichal warfare, and shovels a civilized war. There is one more thing I would like to end with. World War One had so many terrible tactics. evil weapons, and brutal warfare, but then again, so does every war. So that brings the question, isn't every war uncivilized? World War One may have been exceptionally brutal, but that doesnt make any other war not brutal. Always remember, dont kill someone with a shovel... It's just