The Three Main Causes Of World War I

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World War I was a war that had many causes; however I have chosen three in specific to focus on. World War I started July 18th, 1914, and ended on November 11th, 1918. The war originated in Europe, but spread across the world, and took many lives as it was one of the largest fights. Many say that WWI was pointless in the end, and some could agree given the significant amount of casualties in the war, which were more than nine million combatants and seven million civilians. Trench warfare was a strategy used in the war, which is something that was overall a large part of casualties. The militarism that people had led them to keep fighting; they wanted to show others that they were superior. These are some details of the war, however the most important three causes of the war were Russia’s search for a warm water port, imperialism, and finally the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Russia searching for a warm water port was necessary for them, however did spark conflict. Before WWI began, …show more content…

He was assassinated by Gavrilo Philip, whose commander was a Bosnian Serb and part of a group called the Black Hand. The goal of the kill was to break off the south slav provinces of Austria Hungary. After this event, Austria Hungary issued an ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia, which was essentially a set of terms that if refused would lead to conflict. These terms were partially rejected, and so this caused Austria Hungary to declare war, which led to most European states getting involved. Russia deployed forces to help Serbia because they had relations, despite the fact that they were not formally allied. Russia also wanted to maintain their status as a great power in the world, gain influence in the Balkans, and deter Austria Hungary and Germany. This caused Germany to declare war on Russia, which in turn led to the local conflict to become a world

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