Difference Between Pragmatism And Positivism

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3.1 Research approaches
According to Saunders et al (2009), research philosophy exposes significant suppositions of how the researcher looks at the world and it can be divided into four categories; namely interpretivism, pragmatism, realism and positivism. Specifically, positivism is utilised when the researcher works with a recognisable social actuality to come up with law-like overviews at the end of the research (Remenyi et al, 1998). Furthermore, a positivistic approach discovers the reasons or the facts for the social phenomenon which there is no subjective interpretation from researchers; and precision, objectivity as well as rigour are the guiding light for examining research problems rather than feeling, experience and intuition since this approach emphasises logical reasoning (Collis and Hussey, 2003). As related with a specific research problem in the social sciences, this study will follow the philosophy of positivism in order to assess the satisfaction in E-tourism of Vietnam both objectively and statistically.
Regarding the approach of research, PlanoClark and Creswell (2008) showed that there are two kinds including:
• Deduction: which emphasises on discussing from the general to the particular area of research;
• And Induction: which concentrates on disputing from the particular to general
In more detail, the approach of deduction starts with predictions, which are tested through observations, while inductive research