
Differences And Daughters In Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club

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In a mother-daughter relationship there are often lots of miscommunications. They are often caused by misunderstandings between the two. Or lots of arguments due to the fact that they don't always like or want the same thing for each other. In most cases the mother wants the safest thing for their daughter. But the daughters are often rebellious and want to do the opposite of what the mother tells them. And that's what more than likely causes most of the arguments and misunderstandings. Also sometimes the mother sometimes wants to set high standards, sometimes too high. But overall most conflicts are caused by the differences between the two. And as shown in The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan there are many different reasons for the conflict including …show more content…

This is an example of when the mother wants something different from what the daughter wants for herself. Jing-Mei didn't want to learn the piano but her mother wanted her to be the best of the best, and a female prodigy. Because a friend of Suyuan’s daughter was a very successful champion chess player. And Suyuan wanted her child to be the same way. But Jing-Mei couldn't get ahead. She would always seem to fall behind. “I was surprised at myself, how humiliated I felt. I had been outsmarted by waverly once again, and now betrayed by my own mother” (Tan 231). This shows how in some mother-daughter relationships they never listen to what the other person wants so out of anger they betray each other causing conflict. …show more content…

This is an example of Amy Tan showing that sometimes in mother-daughter relationships they don't always listen to each other or each other's opinion. “See, I wore this on my skin, so when you put it on your skin, then you may know my meaning. This is your life's importance” (Tan 233). This is showing that no matter what Jing-Mei did or wanted, her mother would force her heritage on her no matter what Jing-Mei wanted. This is another example of how inconsiderate these relationships can be and how it can affect the person in the relationship. Suyuan always wanted Jing-Mei to be the best she could. But Jing-Mei wouldn’t always do her best or try to do her best. So due to lack of communication Jing-Mei got mad at her mother because she thought her mother was trying to be strict. “Of course you can be prodigy, too”(Tan 141). This is showing that no matter what Suyaun was gonna force their religion on Jing-Mei no matter what Jing-Mei wanted. This shows once again how inconsiderate these relationships can be and what it can cause. Also how lack of communication can be a tipping point in the relationships and cause lots of

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