
Differences And Similarities Between The French Revolution And American Revolution

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French Revolution and American Revolution 1.The french and american revolutions had many differences and similarities that changed the outcome of the revolutions.The french revolution was an uprising to overthrow the government and the americans wanted self government.people say they were so much alike that people called them “mirror struggle.”The french revolution was where people were guillotine happy killing over forty four thousand people in paris.There were many differences and similarities in the french and american revolutions such as leaders,causes,goals,and a lot of other stuff. 2.The french and american revolution had many similarities at the time.The causes were the same,they both had unequal rights and they both had to raise their …show more content…

3.The distinction between the French Revolution and American Revolution is many things such as the things I’m going to talk about like all the leaders,causes,social structures.Madame Roland and Robespierre were leaders of the french revolution and both were killed by the guillotined but Robespierre killed Madame Roland because she didn’t agree with him.The leaders of the american revolution were Thomas Jefferson and John Adams who were friends even though they opposed each other and died on the same day but didn’t kill each other,John formed the Federalist party while Thomas formed the Democratic-Republican.One of causes of the french revolution was unequal rights to the peasants and famine and the famine was so bad that the taxes of everything went up especially bread which left people hungry.In the american revolution one of the causes was unequal rights to the british people did not have the same rights as everyone and they led to the revolution.The french had a famine and unequal rights to peasants,taxes to the peasants while the americans were being taxed by Great Britain and unequal rights to the british people.The social structures before the revolution and goals of the revolution.French revolution were feudalism and the goals were to get rid of feudalism.The american revolution had aristocrats and loyalists and the goals was they wanted some rights as englishmen and establish a republic.The american revolution actually established a republic and the french failed at

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