
Differences Between Hunger Games Movie And Book

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The Hunger Games movie is very similar and different to the Hunger Games book.There is also many things that the book has that the movie doesn’t have. There are some similarities from the Hunger Games book and movie.For example, Peeta was still injured because of Cato. Then, Katniss still stood up for her sister, Prim, when she was picked to play for the Hunger Games. Another thing was Thresh killed Clove at the Cornucopia. There are also a variety of differences in the movie and book. In the movie, Greasy Sae gave her the mockingjay pin instead of Madge giving it to her. Then, in the book, Haymitch was on the stage during the reaping, but in the movie, Haymitch wasn’t on the stage. Haymitch first appeared on the train. …show more content…

Unlike the movie, you get to know more about the characters. You also get more details than what the movie showed. For example, Thresh and Rue were really close in the book. In the movie, you rarely saw them together. In conclusion, there is many comparing and contrasting in the Hunger Games novel and film. The Hunger Games book is better than the

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