Differences Between Of Mice And Men Movie And Book

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Have you ever read a novel then wanted to watch the movie about that same novel, but the book and the movie were different? Well in "Of Mice and Men" John Steinbecks 1937 novel was very different than the 1992 movie over that same book. There are many reason to why the movie and the book are different but the main reason is to attract the attention of the audience wether they are watching the movie or reading the book. One example of the differences between the book "Of Mice and Men" and the movie is when the producers added more action and conflict then the book did to attract and keep the audience. Many movies that are based of a book can be very different to attract audiences like in John stienbecks "Of Mice and Men."

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But in the 1992 movie that was made about stienbecks novel many of the same characters had very different characteristics than the characters in the novel did. For example there was two main characters that acted and had total different characters than in John Stiensbecks "Of Mice and Men." The first character that was different in the movie than in the novel was George. What made him act different in the movie than in the novel was that he seemed to be a lot meaner to Lennie than in the novel. While in the novel George would be some what nicer to Lennie but would still get angry at him and boss him around. But in the movie if Lennie would not obey or listen to George he would get angry and hit Lennie around to try and make him learn and listen to George. Another character that didn't seem to fit in the movie as in the novel was Candy. In the novel candy liked to share lots of information and seemed to be more to himself. While in the movie Candy was very nice and liked to make friends, but also showed lots of affection when his dog was killed but didn't act like that in the novel. I understand why many people didn't like these changes to these characters in the movie but I liked the changes because it added more conflict and drama to the story line which made the movie more interesting to