Comparison of Polley and Munro
Shekinah Bess
Galen College of Nursing
Comparison of Polley and Munro
When it comes to comparing most written stories to its film, there are some differences noticed, while keeping intact the main objective of the story. In the both Alice Munro’s The Bear Came Over the Mountain and Sarah Polley’s Away From Her the story about a husband and wife who are facing changes in their relationship is shown. The story is told from the husband’s point of view and his thoughts while dealing with his wife’s memory loss and his past. While differences are noticed. Some situations are magnified to help clarify or even change how we feel about a character. The characters change and grow as new information is revealed.
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Telling the story from Grants point of view allowed the reader to see how the family deals with Alzheimer’s. And more importantly, the story shows what happens after a family member is put into a care facility. Grant is the protagonist in the beginning of the story and Fiona is the antagonist. Grant is forced to deal with Fiona and her declining condition. Fiona is declining and hiding her sickness from her husband. She plays as though what she is going through is normal behavior for someone that is aging. As Grant continues to take care of Fiona it seems he does it for unselfish reasons. He is patient and caring towards Fiona. The reader is then told of Grants infidelities to his wife during the time he was a practicing professor. This changes the view of Grant and he is then the agonist and the bad guy of the story. Even though he has been faithful to Fiona for years now Grant still feels guilty about his …show more content…
There are not many variances just more emphasis on some events. One of the differences I noticed is how the nurse Kristy character was more vocal. In the movie, Kristy expressed to Grant her feelings about him cheating on his wife during a conversation. Kristy told Grant that "Most men when asked are content in there marriage, while their wives would disagree."(Polley). This is a harsh statement and Grant seems to have feelings about it. This scene was not in the story. In the film this allows the reader to have a little insight on how Fiona may have felt being with Grant knowing he cheated. This may have contributed to Fiona's relationship with Aubry once she is away from Grant and living at Meadowlake. Fiona doesn't take long to create a relationship with someone who needs her. These differences seemed to be incorporated into the title differences. Munro's title seems to focus on Grant, who is the bear and how he is coping with his cheating and his guilt while his wife is sick. While Polley's title focuses on how Grant feels lost without Fiona and wants to make amends with her. Seen by how he visits daily in the film and only twice a week in the story. Overall, the film and the story are compatible and have a similar ending. Fiona suddenly remembers who Grant is and her feelings for him when he walks in she says "How grateful I am. You will never desert me, will you?"(Munro). And Grant confirming “Never”. (Polley and