Differences Between Presidential Campaigns

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The presidential campaigns of GOP candidates Mike Huckabee¬—former Governor of Arkansas—and Marco Rubio—Senator from Florida—differ starkly in many respects. The two enjoy different bases of support, differ on many of the issues and employ radically different rhetorical styles and debate tactics. However, in terms of the campaigns’ media strategy, the most interesting difference lies in the candidates’ propensity (or lack thereof) to attack their fellow GOP candidates publically. Analyzing Rubio and Huckabee’s penchant to publically denounce other GOP candidates via social media will likely reveal the differences between the two campaigns’ online communication strategies. The differing strategies could be reflective of the candidates’ position in the polls; in so far that a leading candidate may have a higher incentive to attack other candidates, while lower polling candidates may have an incentive to behave in a more restrained manner. …show more content…

Further, the candidates have also been selected because of their apparent strategic differences, specifically as displayed during the opening two GOP presidential debates. In the opening debates, Rubio appeared aggressive, desperate to separate himself from a saturated GOP field; on the other hand Huckabee appeared reserved, eschewing conflict and attacks even when opportunities to do so presented themselves. The candidates debate performances, when juxtaposed, suggests that they are employing different strategies, which is likely to be manifested in the candidates’ online communications, among other