Differences Between Secret Life Of Bees Book And Movie

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The Secret Life of Bees was made into a movie and a book. In this paper I will be compairng and contrasting between the movie and the book. I will compare details such as key events to the plot that were changed, key dialologues and key scenes. Secret Life of Bees is about a young girl who runs away to learn answers about her dead mother. The movie clearly diverts some major scenes from the book. This makes the movie less interesting and more jumbled. The book was an interesting read but overall i liked the movie better because I can see how other people see how I imagined the book and how it really turned out.

The differences are very great in number just like most movies and books. In the movie, Lily doesn’t seem as depressed as she is …show more content…

Also, in the movie, when Lily and Rosaleen go to August’s house, August is not beekeepign but instead they have just finished a Daughters of Mary session. In the book, Lily and Zach go to a lawyers office. While there Lily calls T-Ray. In the movie this did not happen. Also in the book, Lily writes a letter to T-Ray but never sends it. In the movie this also never happens. Both of those events were crucial to how Lily finds her confidence to stand up to T-Ray in the end. Also this is more themewise, but the bees seem less metaphorical for Lily’s secret life in the movie. Also in the movie, Lily and Zach go to the movie together and Zach is kidnapped for sneeking Lily into the colored section. In the book, he is arrested because his friend threw a coke bottle at a white man. In the movie, Our Lady of Chains lost some of her value to the story from the book. In the book, Our Lady of Chains is a crucial part of Lily and her finding her faith of her mother. Also this is more acting wise, but in the movie May seemed more unstable than she did in the book. In the book she seemed just extremely emotional at some points, however in the movie she seems unhinged every moment in the movie. More like and insane person. In the book, when May kills