Differences Between The Princess Bride Book And Movie

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The Princess Bride is described as a fairy tale adventure. It’s about a young lady and her one true love after a long time of separation he has to find her and save her. The novel and the movie had many different similarities and differences. We will go over many different things that have changed but also things that have stayed the same. For example, the plot line that was followed in the novel was followed very well in the movie. The novel was written so that he could read it to his son before he went to bed. The movie starts off with him visiting his sick grandson and reading him a book that was passed down to him through generations. Before we get into comparing and contrasting the similarities and differences between the novel and …show more content…

The first difference is the book wasn’t as serious as the movie. The movie was more straightforward, the book had more silliness than anything. For example in the book buttercup was more of a silly character however compared to the movie she was a more strong character. Another difference I noticed was that when Vizzini Inigo and Fezzik captured Buttercup and were taking her across the waters that were infested by creatures in the book the water was infested with sharks but in the movies, they made it shrieking eels. Now one difference that really stood out to me was In the book Wesley was held captive and tortured in the zoo of death. In the movie, he was in a pit of despair but there were no different creatures or animals like there were in the book. In the movie, he didn’t go through the different levels of torture he only got put on the machine. One difference that I feel played a big part was that book went into depth about Inigo and Fezzik’s past like showing them growing up and just their overall stories. In the movie, it only gave small clips but it wasn't really into it in the book. The last difference I found was Ingio the movie he mentioned how his father was wrongfully killed by a six-finger man but in the book, you got a more detailed look at the training and how he worked hard to get the revenge for his father. All in all, this was an overall rundown of the novel/movie The Princess Bride, and also a compare and contrast of the things that were similar and the things that were