Have you ever read the book or watched the movie Ender’s Game? Did you notice that there are many things that are different in both, and how they're also alike? In the movie it leaves out details and events that happen, when in the book it tells you everything that happens with details. When reading the book, it's hard to interpret different things and it's hard to imagine what they're talking about. For example, when the author talks about the different tactics and strategies that Ender or the buggers/formies use, it's hard to imagine what he’s talking about, and then when you watch the movie, you have a better understanding of what the author was talking about. If the book and movie were identical, then the movie would be about four …show more content…
For starters, Major Anderson was a girl in the movie, and a guy in the book. In the book, when Ender got onto the spacecraft to go to Battleschool, no one had their seat belts on, Ender was the first to put his on, when in the movie everyone had theirs on already. You might not of noticed this one, but in the movie, they made them take self defense classes, but in the book Ender decided to take self defense classes because of Bonzo. When Ender and Bonzo were fighting in the bathroom, in the book Alai came in to get Ender out of there, and in the movie, Alai didn't. Graff visits Valentine at her house instead of at her school in the movie, and in the book he meets her at the school. Another thing you might not of noticed was that Ender skips joining Rat army in the movie, but in the book it talks about how Bonzo traded Ender into Rat army, and how he was in Dink’s toon. A little difference you notice is that Ender and Petra talk to each other at 1:00 AM before their final battle at Command School in the movie, but in the book they don't do that. You might of noticed that in the movie they called the enemy, Formies, while in the book they're called Buggers. When Ender arrived to Salamander Army in the book, they were all on their bunks talking, but when he arrives in the movie, their playing baseball in the hallway outside of their