Different Types Of Family In Huckleberry Finn

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Think of what your family is like and how you live as a family. Maybe you have some pets and love your siblings. You could even live in a totally different family style. In the story “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, Huck lives with four different family styles and they have many similarities and differences between each family. Family is a main theme throughout the book. He starts out living with Widow Douglas and her sister. Huck soon will find himself living with his abusive and ornery father, then he is escapes and lives with Tom Sawyer’s Aunt Sally and and Tom. Finally, he decides to live by himself out in the wild. Huck Finn starts out living with his adoptive parent Widow Douglas and her sister. He is living the life of a normal kid, he has rules and hates manors. In the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck says “Her sister, miss Watson, a tolerable slim old maid, with goggles on, had just come to live with her, and took a set at me now, with a spelling book.” (p. 4) He lives in a family with three people, Widow Douglas, Miss Watson, and himself. He lives in a good structured family and doesn’t know how good he has it. He has education, food, family, a home, and friends. However this soon evolves to something worse when his ornery father, pap, comes for Huck’s money. Huck is taken from his …show more content…

He finds himself living with Tom Sawyer and his Aunt Sally. Huck goes from living with a drunk in a house of two and goes to living in a house of four and a good loving family. He is cared for and fed while living in this family even though he lives in a house infested with black and awful smelling rats. Tom and Huck soon began their normal ways. “It’s because it wasn’t intended for any of us to come but Tom; he’s says’ but I begged and at the last minute she let me come too;” (p. 267) and soon Huck finally gets what he