Direct Character Analysis

1477 Words6 Pages

Christian Balderas

English 2 Honors

Period 9

5 page Essay on Indirect and Direct Characterization

There are few ways to describe how a person is, like who they are and what others and think of them, and what they think of about themselves. Two of these methods are known as indirect and direct characterization. These two methods talk about how a person is viewed. Indirect characterization is what person thinks about him. We can tell by looking at the way the character speaks, the way character dresses, the way the character acts, and the way the character treats others around him/her. If we know what indirect means, then perhaps we know what direct could means. Direct characterization means how a person is describing someone with adjectives, …show more content…

In this film we will look at a few characters. One of these characters is known as Gimli. Gimli is mentioned and takes a major role in The Fellowship of the ring, The Two Towers, and in The Return of the King. Gimli is portrayed as a stubborn Dwarf who likes the idea of gold and war, a particular Dwarf in this book/ movie. Gimli also cared for his friends, because in one part of the movie, a battle for a fortress, a part of the wall in the fortress was destroyed. When it was destroyed, a friend of his named Aragorn flew when part of the wall was destroyed. When Gimli saw that his friend was in danger, he jumped in from part of a wall onto the enemy (which were orcs, or in this case, they were known as Uruk-Hai). For Gimli to this war like person, it should him being dragged out of battle by two elves because they were given the order to retreat. Instead of following the order, he decided to keep killing as many as he can, until the two elves dragged him inside to safety. Another example to prove that he was a war loving person, is that he kept count of how many he slayed. So basically, he treated it as a game. All of these examples are examples of indirect characterization, because his actions tell us he loves war, and is a caring person. Another example of indirect characterization for Gimli are the things he wears. He always wears his armor and his helmet, and carries two axes. One is a throwing axe used for ranged purposes, and the other axe is used for melee combat. This shows that he is a warrior, and he is ready for battle. Most Dwarfs are like this, and because the author makes Gimli look like a warrior, he shows that his race loves war. He is also described as a stubborn Dwarf. Stubborn because (exampled was used before) he did not want to leave the battle, so he kept fighting until he was dragged away to safety. Since he