Public And Private Education In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Many conventional classroom settings do not offer the mental stimulation students require to develop full understanding of educational material at hand. Traditionally, many educators employ methods of "direct education," whereby they simply teach students in a uniform fashion. Such forms of direct learning, including the familiar lecture and examination process, result in teachers being too involved in students ' educational experiences and, consequently, hinders their potential. On the other end of the spectrum, the more effective indirect education encourages students to learn independently by experimenting, by reflecting on their thoughts, and by observing others. This phenomenon repeatedly appears in the novel Frankenstein, whose characters are highly influenced by their levels of education. In addition, I have personally experienced the powerful impact of indirect forms of education, which allowed me to develop a thorough understanding of cooking, Latin, and working with tools. In contrast to direct forms of education, indirect forms of education such as observation, experimentation, and learning by means of reflection allow students to fully understand what they learn and apply it in a variety of settings, ranging from a classroom to a …show more content…

Nevertheless, within a short period of existence, the creature learns human language, develops survival skills, and thinks critically on his own accord. The creature accomplishes these feats with various means of indirect education. Each example of the creature 's ability to learn provides a unique type of indirect education and illustrates the powerful impacts of indirect education on the learning process. For example, education by means of trial and error develops a critical mindset, whereas indirect education through reflection requires one to synthesize many pieces of