Directive Speech Act Analysis

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Directive utterance is the most common speech act used by people in their daily activity. Directive speech act means the speaker directs a demand to a hearer or asks someone for doing something. As states by Kreidler (1998:189), directives are those kinds of speech act in which the speaker tries to get the addressee to perform some acts or refrain from performing an act”. Kreidler also classifies types/functions of directive speech act into three, namely commanding, requesting, and suggesting. It means that directive used by people to command, to request, and to suggest someone to do something. It happens between speaker and hearer. When people use directive speech act they should know the situation when they want to ask something. If it happens …show more content…

Script is a written text that it writes before the film is played. The most important think that should know by the characters in the film is acting because they act based on the script that given by producer. Thus, before they play it they have to read the script film in order to produce the best quality of film. Each person in the film has different character so that when they talk they have different way to express what they want. In film, there are some acts such as commands, requests, and suggestions. To express their feeling, sometimes, the speaker does directly and indirectly. It depends on how close the speaker and the listener. Asking someone for doing something in directly, it feels not polite. Meanwhile, asking someone for doing something in indirectly, it feels more polite. In this paper the writer choose movie script of the film “Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck” in English “Sinking of the Van Der Wijck” as the source of data. "Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck” is a romantic drama Indonesia in 2013 directed by Sunil Soraya and produced by Ram Soraya. The film is adapted from the novel of the same name written by Buya Hamka that was released on December 19, 2013. This film tells about the powerful of love but tragic love story between Herjunot Ali (as Zainuddin) and Pevita Pearce (as Hayati), a pure Minang