Disability Benefits Claim Is Denied

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Goal: to write a substantive appeal about what happens when a person and their attorney disagree over the findings of an SOC and the person?s VA disability benefits claim is denied Total Word Count In This Document: 692 Title: ?Substantive Appeal: What To Do When You & Your Lawyer Disagree Over An SOC & Your VA Disability Benefits Claim Is Denied? What is an SOC? SOC stands for Statement of Case, which is a legal term meaning when a plaintiff informally makes a presentation of the facts. Oftentimes, a person and their attorney will disagree over the findings of an SOC and, in legal cases where a person is filing a claim for their state?s disability benefits, this can result in their claim being denied. There are many reasons why a person and their lawyer may disagree over the findings of an SOC, which result in the disability benefits claim being denied. For the state of Virginia, the main reasons are: There wasn?t enough medical evidence to support the disability benefits claim Everyone agreed the person had a disability, but there wasn?t enough evidence to prove the disability was connected to any military service The disability was proven to pre-exist the person?s military service and therefore was not caused or aggravated by it So if you live in the state …show more content…

Don?t expect things to go too fast. Patience is a virtue after all, especially in legal situations, and the more impatient you are, or the more you try to speed things up, the more likely you will fail at getting your disability benefits claim approved the second time around. There are many steps in the appeals process when it comes to reversing the denial of a disability benefits claim, and each one can potentially take a long time. Here are the steps you need to prepare for and complete as smoothly and successfully as possible in order to get the best possible