Summary Of Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory

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I was introduced to Feminism in previous English classes, but have become even more passionate in Feminism while taking this class. With this in mind, the “Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory” article by Rosemarie Garland-Thomson touched upon material that furthered my interest in the theory. However, first glancing at the title of the chapter, I immediately thought, “Disability and Feminism relate?” But, as I dove deeper into the text, I was able to answer my initial question.
I personally think it is exemplary that disability studies have moved out of medicine, social work, and rehabilitation fields and into its own field of identity studies. I feel as though this was a move in the right direction because disability studies should be in more of an identity area. Yes, some disabilities require medicine, social work, and rehabilitation fields to cope with the disability; but those who have a disability should not feel labeled by these areas. They should be in a more identity study that focuses with more important emotional areas such as gender studies, disability studies, proliferation of ethnic studies, etc. (Thomson, 332)
In the “Feminist Disability Theory” section of the chapter, I …show more content…

(Thomson, 335) Both of these quotes help to show what disability analysis and the combining of the two theories can accomplish together. Similarly, “understanding how disability operates as an identity category and cultural concept will enhance how we understand that is to be human, our relationships with one another, and the experience of embodiment.” (Thomson,