
Disadvantages Of Communism

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Communism is a word that many people are afraid of, but for what reason? According to The Future of Working, “ goal is to provide education and health care to all citizens with an ideology of common ownership” (6 Advantages And 1). Converting to a true communist society would be the best economic decision for our country. In fact, communism was created in the 1800s by Karl Marx to create the perfect society, where there would be no social classes and everyone would be treated equally. Elimination of inequality among people and businesses would help enable the people of it to reach their greatest potential personally, and as one. Although some may think that capitalism is the best government , a true communism government would be the most …show more content…

Our government has power in decisions along with international transactions, speculations and expectations, and supply and demand. In a communist society the people would have absolute control over everything. This would include international trade. Speculations and expectations would not need to exist considering the economy wouldn’t have trends to inspect and try to guess for the future. Lastly, supply and demand. This would too be excluded from shaping the market system, because there would never be too much demand or not enough supply. The competition aspect of the supply and demand would diminish because there wouldn’t be anyone else competing. Cory Mitchell explains this point by saying, “ These areas are all linked as expected future conditions shape current decisions and those current decisions shape current trends” (Four factors that). After reading what those parts of a market system are for, it is more clear to see why they would not matter in a communist society. Not only would some of those aspects diminish, but poverty as …show more content…

This would be one of the main benefits, when comparing to socialism and capitalism. The article, “Only Communism Can Make Poverty History” brings to light, “What workers sell to the capitalist in return for their wages is their ability to work, or their labour power. This labour power is able to produce more value than the value required to reproduce it” (1). What this is saying, is essentially, there will always be some sort of lower- poverty stricken class with capitalism. That workers in the lower class and middle class are employed by the upper class and are getting paid for less than what their work sells for. No government system should have devised plan to separate the rich from the poor, and try to keep them that way, and that is exactly what capitalism is doing. Communism does the exact opposite of this and emphasizes everyone being equal. Among American citizens right now, according to the article, “Wealth Inequality” it claims, “America’s top 1 percent, for instance, holds nearly half the national wealth invested in stocks and mutual funds” (1). How is it possible for the other 99% of people to try to move up when only 1% hold half of the nation's wealth? America is supposed to be united, but capitalism is making that impossible and dividing its

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