Income Inequality In The Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx

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The picture described seems to be wonderful as it meets the communism society that Karl Marx wants: “No private property or inherited wealth. Steeply graduated income tax. Centralized control of the banking, communication and transport industries. Free public education.” (1) This is completely different from the world that Karl Marx is most familiar with—the 19th century Europe, which was fulfilled with huge increases in industrial production and profits, stagnation of wages for workers, formation of a vast impoverished working class. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the given society is indeed not communism, hence Karl Marx would not get satisfied with it.
First of all, the given society reduces the income inequality between capitalists and workers by applying progressive tax and regulation reforms. It looks prosperous because when the income inequality is dramatically reduced, those poor people do not need to worry about their insecure life anymore.
However, the division of society still exists as two classes: Bourgeois and Proletariat are still there. Although the dissimilarities between the two classes have been reduced, we cannot deny the existence of these two classes. “The collisions between individual workmen and individual bourgeois take more and more the character of collisions between two classes.” (2). From …show more content…

The means of production should be possessed by a majority part of citizens rather than the minority. In other words, the determinant factor of judging a society is capitalism or communism, is the ownership of the ways of production which is either private or social. Only if the word of “private property” never appears in our world, will Marx be