Karl Marx's Contributions To Sociology Case Study

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1. What do you make of Karl Marx’s contributions to sociology?
It would take volumes to describe how important Karl Marx’s work is in sociology. His work is important in the 21st century because his concepts and ideas are the only genuine seeds for a better society. I see Marx as a voice for the voiceless, the weak, and the vulnerable in all societies across the globe.
Karl Marx was a German philosopher and economist who with Friedrich Engels authored the “communist manifesto” a critical analysis of capitalism that saw the material or economic basis of inequality and power relations as the cause of social instability and conflict” (Little & McGivern, 2013, p.13).
Marx worked towards changing the economic dynamics of the society. He foresaw impact of private dominance, “ Marx’s analysis of the foundations of a capitalist society raises questions of the justice of the distribution of wealth,” (Amies, 2008, p.7). This is worse in today’s world. His ambition for universal equality, collective justice, and classless society transfixed me. I never thought that a classless society could be possible; however, my understanding of his work leads me to envisage the possibilities of a classless society.
Marx’ work demonstrates a man who genuinely wants societal change. “The goal of sociology would not simply be to scientifically analyze or objectively describe society, but to use a rigorous scientific analysis as a basis to change it” (Little & McGivern, 2013,