
Karl Marx's Impact Of The Industrial Revolution And Feudalism

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Industrial Revolution and capitalism appeared in late 17th century and within a short span of time dramatically altered the face of society. Life was no more like the past days. The long-lasting feudalism replaced by the new system. Modern technology and invention of first reliable steam-engine, used broadly in new companies, caused mass production and lead human history into a new era. Although in the eyes of many it brought welfare and a better standard of living for lots of people, it had its own destructive effects on working class.
Karl Marx, one could go so far as to say, was the prophet of his own age. However, notwithstanding with the other prophets, he was mostly concerned with material aspects of human life. He accompanied by his life-long friend Friedrich Engels analyzed capitalist society in terms of social structure, economy and culture. In Marxian theory of classes, society is torn into two, between proletariat and bourgeoisie, and it is the scene of perpetual exploitation of the working class by bourgeoisie and a permanent struggle between them. The former is “a class of laborers, who live so long as they find work and who work only so long as their labor increases capital”, and the latter is “the class which has means of material production at its disposal” (qtd. in Miller 55-6). These two classes bargain under a situation in which capitalists are not in danger of starving or becoming homeless while workers are (ibid. 57-8). And as Terry Eagleton
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